Mini-Grant Helps Tri-County Bring Counseling Telehealth Services to Lewiston Residents

Tri-County Mental Health Services received a Mini-Grant from Healthy Neighborhoods to purchase 9 Chromebooks with internet access for the Spring/Summer 2020 emergency homeless shelter at Lewiston’s Armory.

The Chromebooks provided individualized access to free mental health and substance use support and telehealth counseling from Tri- County and other providers. This access helped residents deal with grief, loss, isolation, and helped them find out about eligibility for MaineCare and other resources.

38 residents (28% of all residents served) connected to Tri-County via our case manager for more than one contact. 104 residents (76%) benefited from Chromebook use, including Zoom meetings, searching for housing, and connecting with health and human services professionals. The Chromebooks were invaluable for getting folks the help that they needed.